The threats
Binturongs are threatened by deforestation and poaching in Southeast Asia. They are captured to be sold live at markets as pets. They are also hunted for bushmeat and traditional Oriental medicine.
(@Arctictis Binturong Conservation)
Pauline Kayser has been working as a zookeeper at the Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes in Paris since 2012. In 2014, she decided to create a no profit association that aims at promoting knowledge and protection of this little known species. The Arctictis Binturong Conservation was born!
Binturongs are threatened by deforestation and poaching in Southeast Asia. They are captured to be sold live at markets as pets. They are also hunted for bushmeat and traditional Oriental medicine.
(@Arctictis Binturong Conservation)
The research program of Pauline Kayser and her team members is mainly focused on Palawan Island, the only place in the Philippines where the presence of binturongs is known.
The objectives are:
-Ecological study of the binturong on Palawan Island
Mapping the distribution of binturongs to increase knowledge of their living habits
-Educating local people on the importance of binturongs for the forest and human population through educational interventions in schools
In order to install camera traps, it is necessary to climb to the top of the forest canopy, an ideal habitat for binturongs (@Arctictis Binturong Conservation)
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